SURE-Fire Mentalism That Amazes Audiences...

Perform An Incredible Drawing Duplication Stage Routine That Uses
NO Magic Props & NO Electronics…

(And It's $360.99 Cheaper Compared to Other More Expensive Options)

Good performers know that making your audience members the stars of the show is the best way to impress your client.

Mentalists know that routines where the audience members do the mind reading are most memorable.

If you want a memorable, sure-fire routine your audiences will remember for years, you need Serendipity.

"Cris, I saw your ad in Vanish Magazine for Serendipity but I didn't see your name. I clicked the link thinking this was possibly some scam cheapo thing in the magazine but as soon as I saw your name I relaxed. Like yourself, I had purchased Simpatico and never used it. It was a great concept but receiving the materials I knew I'd never perform it. I was willing to take a chance on you though and I'm glad I did. I love the concept you've come up with and the easy method. I already had most of the materials so I'm planning on putting this in a show I'm doing this weekend. It's exactly the kind of magic I love to perform: easy and open to a great presentation. Thanks for putting it out!"

- Brian Reaves, Motivational Magician

What Does Serendipity Look Like?

Here’s a bare-bones description of the routine:

Two art easels are on opposite sides of the stage. Each has a large drawing pad on it.

The performer tells the audience he’s going to try an experiment in serendipity, or strange coincidences. He asks an audience member to pass out slips of paper and pencils. Audience members are asked to write down simple objects that could be drawn.

He then calls two spectators on stage. One is designated the Sender. She will select one of the audience members’ slips and draw it. The other onstage volunteer is the Receiver. The performer tells the Receiver she will ‘free associate’ on a drawing pad. Demonstrating, the performer scribbles all over one pad.

The performer gathers the slips and has the Sender select one.

Both the Sender and Receiver stand behind their respective easels with the drawing pads facing them. The performer blindfolds the Receiver to prevent her from catching a glimpse of the Sender’s slip or drawing pad.

After blindfolding the Receiver, the performer asks the Sender to look at her slip and confirm there is something written that can be drawn. Both spectators are handed Sharpie markers and then asked to begin drawing.

When they are finished, both are asked to sign their names at the bottom of their respective drawings.

The Receiver is unblindfolded and both spectators take center stage.

The performer turns the Sender’s easel around to face the audience, revealing her drawing. (Let’s say it’s a motorcycle.)

The performer then turns around the Receiver’s easel and pad. Her scribbled ‘drawing’ unmistakably resembles the Sender’s object!

Here are the important points to consider:

• NO preshow

• NO instant stooging

• NO ‘cueing’ of any kind

• NO electronics

• NO magic store/website props of any kind

• NO complicated sleight of hand

• NO sleight of hand of any kind

• NO impression devices

• NO dual reality

• NO chemicals

• NO ‘hard to find’ replacement materials

Serendipity works every time with a bullet-proof method you’ll feel secure using in every show.

And the best part? It easily and reliably replicates the exact same effect as other more expensive (yet risky) options.

The History Behind Serendipity

I love drawing duplications! And I love the idea of one spectator reading the mind of another. It just seems so impossible.

Some time ago, I bought a lecture where a creator detailed his stage drawing duplication effect. He laid the whole method out there.

I briefly considered putting it together myself, buying the items he mentioned in his lecture.

"No," I thought. "Support the creator."

I really wasn't thrilled with his method, but at least I knew what I'd be getting if I ordered from him. So I paid $399.99 and ordered his expensive routine. When the box arrived in the mail, I opened it and took a look.

The materials supplied were of such low quality and so poorly made that you literally couldn’t do the trick with what was supplied.


But I still loved the effect itself. There HAD to be a better, more reliable way.

Rather than replace everything and use what I felt was a risky and unreliable method, I came up with my own solution.

After combing through my notes on routine ideas, and after a conversation with Cody Fisher, Serendipity was born.

“But how does this work?” the nosy members of the Café demand. I wanna know before I buy!”

Serendipity uses simple, effective methods built on a bedrock of proven mentalism techniques. If you’re looking for some fancy, newfangled method, this release is NOT for you.


Seriously, if you’re only impressed by secrets, move on. Nothing new to see here.

However, if you perform professionally, you know how important reliable, bomb-proof methods are. When I perform, I’m getting paid. It’s how I pay my mortgage every month.

But don't take my word for it.

The Professional Magician Club marketing for magicians

What VANISH Editor
Paul Romhany Said About Serendipity...

I recently had a Zoom 'pow wow' session with my friend Paul Romhany. We showed each other what we were working on. 

I shared details about Serendipity and once the video training was completed, sent everything to him. Below is what he emailed to me:

"Hi Cris, I just watched the performances and I just have to say WOW! You have created one KILLER routine. Forget the thousand dollar drawing pads, Apps etc. This is what real mentalism is about! I'm doing this in MY ACT! This is just fantastic. Love the bit where you [REDACTED]. A really subtle bit that just sells it. They can’t backtrack on this one!! So damn clever. Cheers, Paul."

He's not the only one.

What a Magician with Nearly 50 Years of Experience Said...

"I usually shy away from mentalism effects. They typically don't fit my performing style. But after getting Cris' "Serenditpity" I'm definitely embracing my "inner mentalist". First of all, the effect itself is killer. Secondly, it's incredibly easy to do and can be done with simple things bought at an office supply store. Thirdly, Cris makes learning it a no-brainer by providing written text, videos and even audios so that anyone can learn this quickly. I rarely get excited about a new effect, but this one has me literally drooling. I've seen how audiences react and I plan on using it as my closer. Bravo Cris! This is definitely a 5-star winner!"

- Tim Piccirrillo, 50 year veteran of professional magic

The Professional Magician Club marketing for magicians

Paul is one of the most creative and successful magicians in the world. I've known Tim for over 20 years. He has forgotten more about magic than I'll ever know. If Paul and Tim like Serendipity, you will too.

Oh, and my friend Cody Fisher contributed some great psychological ploys and routine suggestions to ramp up the awesomeness of Serendipity.

But I have to address the elephant in the room, the thing missing from this sales page.

No demo video.

“What? No demo video? What rubbish! We demand justice!” scream the most vocal armchair members of the Café. “I won’t buy it without a video.”

Yup, that’s right. There’s no demo video for this.

The reason is simple: All I would show you is me turning both easels around and you’d hear the audience react. I’d have to edit out a couple of little things to keep for myself.

Serendipity relies on a few simple ideas, executed with perfect motivation.

And since this is a download, you can rest easy that you won’t need any expensive magic props or secret devices. You could fly to a gig a thousand miles away, get off the plane, go to a Staples or Office Depot, and grab everything you need.

Best of all, Serendipity does something a lot of mentalism fails to do. It provides a dramatic visual component.

It’s clean, direct, and easily understood.


How easy? It's perfect for one of the most challenging markets in magic.

Serendipity is a Versatile Routine,
Suitable for Multiple Markets

If you’re familiar with me and my work, you know I’m mostly a school assembly guy. I designed Serendipity for my middle and high school shows. It kills.

But it’s not just for school performers.

When I was road-testing this routine, I tried it out exclusively for adults. They were shocked. Even though I didn’t close with Serendipity (I should have), it was the routine everyone wanted to ask me about after the show.

Most people were convinced the Receiver was in on it. But she wasn’t.

And if you’re familiar with other methods to do a routine like this, you know that’s not always the case.

But you may be wondering…

What You Get with Your Purchase of Serendipity:

I like learning in several ways. Other people do as well. I rail against old-school magicians who insist that reading books is the only and best way to learn magic. That’s such B.S.

Different people learn best in different ways. People are wired differently. And to help facilitate everyone learning this routine, I’ve provided information in written, video, and audio form.

Here’s what you receive with your purchase:

• 10 videos detailing everything you need to know to perform Serendipity.

I deliberately made every video separate. I hate having to scroll through an hour-long video looking for a key piece of info. Each video is individually labeled, making learning this routine easy and fun.

There are videos detailing setup, what you need for the routine, alternate ideas, and more.

These videos were shot in my loft above my garage. I used two studio lights (the same ones I used for my virtual shows during the height of the pandemic). I also mic’d myself so my voice is crystal clear.

These are not L&L professional videos, but you can see and hear everything you need clearly.

You also receive footage from two performances of Serendipity. One is for an adult group of 50 people at a luncheon. Their reactions are priceless!

The second show is in front of around 200 middle school students. As I turn the matching drawing around, you can hear them say, “No way!” So Serendipity even plays well for the most discerning audiences.

• A thoroughly written 16-page manuscript that outlines the routine, setup, and more

I included photos when necessary to aid your learning. The written material is well-organized and doesn’t include my trademark rambling that I sometimes do when shooting videos.

• A 55-minute mp3 where I walk you through the same points as the written material and the videos.

I know I enjoy listening to material when I’m on the road, so you may enjoy listening to this while you drive.

"Okay, wise guy," the Magic Cafe skeptics grumble. "How much is this going to set me back?"

Since Serendipity is a downloadable product, there are no shipping costs or manufacturing. The investment for this gem is just $39.

The other method I bought (the one that doesn't work) is still on the market for $399.99.

So my product is a whopping 90% less than that other release. And it allows you to do the EXACT same effect without worry. No wonky equipment or unreliable methods to worry about.

For $39, you'll learn how to put together a rock-solid, visual routine your audiences will love.


Here are the Answers to the Questions I Won’t See Those Pesky Café Members Ask Because…

I won’t be visiting the Magic Café to help promote the release of Serendipity.

If you’ve read my other sales web pages, you may know I poke a lot of fun at the Café.

In reality, I know many folks on the Café are wonderful people and great performers.

I prefer to think the people I’m making fun of on my sales pages are merely a vocal minority who seem to take great delight in tearing down others to make themselves feel good.

I recently read page after page of people vehemently complaining on the Café about a $200 mentalism release from a few years ago. This vocal minority was castigating the product’s creator for refusing to release a demo video.

Many of these trolls seem to think that product creators have an obligation to go on the Café and defend their choices.

I have better things to do with my time. Since Serendipity is a simple $39 download, I won’t subject myself to the funhouse of horrors on the Café.

But I’ll answer some of your most pressing questions here.

Q: Is Serendipity hard to do?

A: Nope. To quote the late, great Harry Anderson, this release is “cocktail proof.” It’s so easy to do that you can fully concentrate on performing.

Q: You described a scribbled drawing that looks vaguely like the thought-of object. Can the Receiver’s drawing perfectly match the sender’s instead?

A: Yes, but I don’t recommend it. To me, this crosses over into ‘Too Perfect’ territory. I believe the scribbled drawing looks close enough to the thought-of object to be considered a 'hit' without being a perfect march. But you can have the spectator replicate the Sender’s drawing in a neat and tidy manner if you wish.

Q: Is there any limit to what the Receiver can draw? 

A: Technically, no. The spectator may be seen to replicate virtually anything.

Q: Is the Receiver ‘in on it?’

A: No. There is no dual reality, doublespeak, or anything to secretly tell your Receiver what is going on.

Q: Do you meet with the Receiver before the show?

A: No. I never use preshow. I have nothing against preshow. But I prefer to go into every stage performance ice-cold. I don’t know who the Sender or Receiver will be until I’m on stage and I select them.

Q: Do you have to put a stupid cardboard box on the Receiver’s head like in other similar releases?

A: No. To me, that belittles your volunteer.

Here’s How to Order Serendipity:

Simply click on the big orange button below. You’ll be taken to a secure checkout page. I never see your credit card information and your purchase is 100% secure.

Once you complete your purchase, you’ll receive instant access to the Serendipity training page.

You’ll also receive an email with a link to take you to the same training page. Save that email so you can access your Serendipity training at any time.

With your purchase, you’ll also receive a subscription to my weekly newsletter, “The Professional Magician’s Life.” Each week, you receive a thoughtful article on some aspect of professional performing or the business side of performing.

Members are also the first to be notified of any new releases. And you’ll receive occasional discounts and special promotions that no one else has access to.

Imagine Your Next Gig…The Audience Gasping in Amazement and Showering You with Applause

Serendipity can be a game-changer for you. Unlike other, more expensive methods, Serendipity is 100% reliable. You never have to worry about technology failing.

If you want a sure-fire method that your audiences will be talking about weeks later, Serendipity is your answer.

Click the button below. You could be learning this incredible routine in mere minutes.

© Copyright 2023 Cris Johnson, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

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