“Where did all my videos go?”
My friend John frantically searched his phone, baffled by this turn of events.
We were at the East Coast Spirit Sessions convention. It’s a magic convention held in Myrtle Beach, SC each January.
Because the convention is devoted to Bizarre and spirit magic, I love it. As with many conventions, my friends and I are eager to share our latest effects and routines.
John was about to show me his latest TikTok video but couldn’t find anything on TikTok. The entire platform had gone dark in the United States.
I don’t follow the news much, especially since the last election. But I knew that our government was going to ban TikTok if the platform remained Chinese-controlled.
By the time you read this, it may be back online here in the United States – I just don’t know.
The real story, however, is something I’ve been preaching to any magician who listens to me for years.
Don’t put all of your marketing/advertising/outreach/whatever into the hands of any social media platform.
As soon as they make changes in their algorithms, you suffer.
If there’s a pissing match between the government and your country and a social media platform, you suffer.
Several years ago, one of the major social media platforms was banned in another country.
Don’t quote me, but I think it was Facebook and Australia, but I can’t remember for sure.
As a copywriter-in-training at the time, I remember the story gaining a lot of traction.
Social media has its uses, but putting everything you’ve got into them will come back to bite you. It’s all about control.
You’re at the mercy of these platforms.
I’m not saying social media doesn’t have its merits. I see many performers building their brands on social media and using them to make a lot of money.
Again, though, it can all come crashing down in a nanosecond.
“So,” I can hear some of you thinking, “If you’re so smart, what’s the solution?”
Simple. You need to prioritize two things to make the best use of social media.
1. Your website
2. Your list
It amazes me still how many magicians have a dumpster fire for a website in this day and age.
Their sites look very amateurish, yet they spend a LOT of time on social media.
Same with their lists.
When magicians approach me for help, one of the first things I do is ask them if they follow up with past clients or leads that ask for more information.
Usually, their answer is no.
So here’s what I would do…scratch that. Here is what I DID do and continue to do.
My websites (yes, plural) are the epicenter of my business. I make them look as professional as possible.
They are optimized for SEO and have plenty of Contact Forms, a different one for each show I offer.
When someone fills out a Contact Form, they are automatically sent the information they want for the show they want.
My system then continues to follow up until they respond.
And unless they decide to unsubscribe, they stay in my database. This allows me to continue to market to them during strategic times of the year.
You can apply this to social media.
Yes, get your followers. But instead of concentrating on ‘likes’ which have zero financial value, promote to your followers something cool, a giveaway of some kind.
How do they get their free goodie?
They click on your social media post/ad/whatever and are taken to a special signup page on your site.
That page’s only purpose is to get them to enter their email address to get said goodie.
Get enough people off of social media to your Contact Form, and you can build a pretty good list.
And once you have a list, no social media algorithm changes or government dustup can take those people away from you.
This sounds like a lot of work. And to do it right, it is.
But the payoff is great.
Each year, I send a few emails to my lists and pretty soon I’m booking shows.
Of course, you need an attractive website, great shows, and great content.
Trust me, it’s worth the effort. I go to sleep easy at night knowing no one can suddenly take away what I’ve built.
If you want me to help with any of these things, simply click the button below.
Have a great week!
P.S. By the way…whenever you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you grow your magic business to book more shows at higher fees:
1. Grab my FREE report for professional working magicians.
It’s called “The 2-Word Secret to Eliminate Your Competition & Become Your Area’s Busiest Magician.” This report reveals a strategy that almost NO magicians are using (and the ones who are don’t use it correctly). Get your free copy HERE.
2. Get my website video training for under $10:
In this 2-hour video training, I’ll reveal exactly what your website needs if you want to succeed as a professional entertainer in the 21st century. Get all the details HERE.
3. Get a complete business-building plan handed to you on a silver platter.
Not sure how to move your magic business forward? I’ll analyze your complete magic business (website, market, competition, and more) and give you a complete game plan for getting your performing business to the next level. Find out how HERE.
4. Work with me privately.
Need help in multiple areas? I can help you with your website, direct mail, email, or other marketing strategies. I also offer consulting services for crafting magic routines or even entire shows. Want to find out more? Shoot me an email at cris@theprofessionalmagicianclubpro.com.
5. Check out my extensive line of magic routines and marketing products
I have several professional routines, marketing courses, books, and other resources to boost your shows and make booking shows easier and more profitable. Check out my line of products HERE.
To find out more how I can help you book more shows at higher fees, click the button below to see my list of services.
© Copyright Cris Johnson, Inc.