Simple Kid Show Control Hacks

I stared in amazement as the slime rolled down his head and onto his shirt and tie.

The next student walked up and poured her slime down his face, completely covering his eyes.

I was set to perform my math show right after the spectacle I was witnessing. The school was hosting my math show with a “prelim” opening activity.

For hitting certain academic goals, the students were rewarded with the right to ‘slime’ certain faculty members.

Two of the faculty members were covered head to toe in plastic to minimize the slime’s effects on their skin and clothes.

But the principal neglected to use any sort of protection other than goggles for his eyes.

I asked him about this right before he sat down to allow a hundred or so kids to dump slime on his head.

“They deserve it,” he said. “They worked hard. And letting them slime my clothes is more impressive. More of a mess. They’ll like it more.”

I nodded, impressed by his attitude.

“Besides,” he added, “My clothes will wash just fine.”

Right then and there, I knew my show after this sliming episode was going to be awesome.

And I was right – the show absolutely rocked. I was debuting a couple of new tricks in the middle school version of my math show. I was pretty nervous, but my brief conversation with the principal caused most of my concerns to evaporate.

All because of the culture set by the principal. He established a culture of cooperation in the school. Teachers and students work together for the goals of the school.

Experienced kid show performers know what I’m talking about.

The grownups set the tone for how kids are going to behave. They do it each day with the culture in the school, library, or home.

For instance, as I’m watching the kids enter the assembly area, I watch the teachers. If they have the kids following them in an orderly fashion, I know I’m in for a good time.

But if the kids are racing into the assembly area running full speed with the teachers following them, I know I’m in for a rough ride.

Same thing for a birthday party.

Some parent hosts let the kids run wild before the show. That always makes my job harder.

But the parties where the kids participate in structured activities are ones, I have a better show.

Many adults make the mistake of letting kids go crazy. They say it ‘burns off energy.’ But we kids show performers know otherwise.

When kids get wound up, it’s much harder to get them back under control.

This begs the question: What do we do about it?

The first solution is preventative. We can send along suggested guidelines for leading into our shows.

I wouldn’t call them “instructions,” but “suggested guidelines” may go over better.

Spell out the reasons why it’s important to have the kiddoes under control before the show.

When you arrive, check in with your client. Ask if they looked over the material. Some do, some don’t.

The other solution? Deal with it during the show.

While I have set scripts for each of my routines, I can alter them based on my audience and its behavior.

If the kids get too ‘talky’ as I’m speaking, I’ll stop and freeze. This will often get their attention.

I’ll also try altering my rate of speech throughout the show. I’ll speed up at certain points. Then I’ll slow down.

Or I’ll raise my voice. Depending on the routine, I may whisper.

And of course, having a sound system with a mic helps a LOT.

Some of my friends bring a PA system to every show, even small birthday parties. I think that’s a great idea.

Other control techniques include using what the kids already know to your advantage.

I’m not sure about other countries, but here in the United States, elementary school kids are taught this rhythmic clapping technique.

It goes something like ‘clap…clap…clap-clap-clap.” Two claps with a pause in between followed by three claps in quick succession.

Schools drill this into kids’ heads as a way to establish an anchor for control. Teachers know how to use it if the kids are getting too unruly or loud.

I use it myself all the time.

But you can use it for birthdays, too. It may startle the kids to hear that clapping sequence outside of school, but it still works.

I’ve even used it in library shows.

If your country doesn’t use this technique, find out what they do use.

Some schools teach kids to raise one hand with their first two fingers outstretched as an indication to get quiet.

The point is, find out what your schools are using. Keep those little hacks in the back of your mind for those times you need to get kids under control.

Have a great week!


P.S. By the way…whenever you’re ready, here are 5 ways I can help you grow your magic business to book more shows at higher fees:

1. Grab my FREE report for professional working magicians.

It’s called “The 2-Word Secret to Eliminate Your Competition & Become Your Area’s Busiest Magician.” This report reveals a strategy that almost NO magicians are using (and the ones who are don’t use it correctly). Get your free copy HERE.

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