Good Decisions, Show Feedback, & Mentors

The Professional Magician Club marketing for magicians

#074 - How do you know if you're making a good decision? Show feedback is one way. Another is finding yourself a mentor. I can't even begin to calculate the value of the good mentors I've had over the years. In magic, many of us make all of our own decisions. But sometimes, it's great to have someone to help you.

And this week's episode of Trick Talk features an oldie but a goodie: 5 Minutes with a Pocket Handkerchief!

5 Minutes with a Pocket Handkerchief is available HERE

By the way…whenever you’re ready, here are 5 ways I can help you grow your magic business to book more shows at higher fees:

1. Grab my FREE report for professional working magicians.

It’s called “The 2-Word Secret to Eliminate Your Competition & Become Your Area’s Busiest Magician.” This report reveals a strategy that almost NO magicians are using (and the ones who are don’t use it correctly). Get your free copy HERE.

2. Get my website video training for under $10.

In this 2-hour video training, I’ll reveal exactly what your website needs if you want to succeed as a professional entertainer in the 21st century. Get all the details HERE.

3. Get a complete business-building plan handed to you on a silver platter.

Not sure how to move your magic business forward? I’ll analyze your complete magic business (website, market, competition, and more) and give you a complete game plan for getting your performing business to the next level. Find out how HERE.

4. Work with me privately.

Need help in multiple areas? I can help you with your website, direct mail, email, or other marketing strategies. I also offer consulting services for crafting magic routines or even entire shows. Want to find out more? Shoot me an email at

5. Check out my extensive line of magic routines and marketing products

I have several professional routines, marketing courses, books, and other resources to boost your shows and make booking shows easier and more profitable. Check out my line of products HERE.

Find Out How I Can Help You...

To find out more how I can help you book more shows at higher fees, click the button below to see my list of services.

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